Qatar to Announce $4 Billion Investment in UK Green Energy Research Hub
Qatar has announced a $4 billion investment in a UK-based green energy research hub known as Project Oryx. Spearheaded by the nonprofit Qatar Foundation in collaboration with Rolls-Royce and McKinsey.

LONDON - September 10, 2023: In a groundbreaking move towards bolstering green energy research and innovation, Qatar is set to unveil a monumental $4 billion investment in a UK-based research hub. The ambitious project, known internally as Project Oryx, is poised to transform the landscape of sustainable technology development in the United Kingdom. The nonprofit Qatar Foundation, in partnership with Rolls-Royce and global management consultancy McKinsey, is at the forefront of this transformative initiative.
At the heart of this visionary endeavor is a commitment to catalyze green innovation in the UK. The Qatar Foundation, known for its philanthropic efforts, is set to provide $1.5 billion in crucial seed funding to support fledgling UK startups in the green energy sector. This funding injection is designed to incentivize these startups to remain within the country and accelerate their growth.
"The purpose is to scale up these projects to the level where they can be floated here in the UK, rather than losing our best ideas overseas at their early stage," emphasizes a key official involved in the project. This strategic approach aims to prevent the 'brain drain' of innovative ideas and projects to foreign markets.
In addition to financial support, the project aims to create an innovation hub strategically centered around London, Cambridge, and Oxford. This 'base' is envisioned as a magnet for international talent in the field of green research and technology. By attracting the brightest minds from across the globe, Project Oryx aims to foster a dynamic ecosystem of innovation.
A fund manager working on the project shared, "We are in conversations with a number of early-stage companies... The idea is to find the brightest brains in the UK and attract the brightest brains in the world to come and join them here." This collaborative approach underscores the project's commitment to global knowledge sharing.
Project Oryx has ambitious goals for job creation. It is projected to generate approximately 7,500 jobs by 2030, contributing significantly to the UK's employment landscape. Furthermore, the initiative seeks to empower green research companies to employ as many as 30,000 individuals within 15 years. This growth not only drives economic development but also strengthens the UK's position in the green technology sector.
As part of the investment deal, a cutting-edge research facility is slated to be established in Qatar's capital, Doha. This facility will be dedicated to advancing research in critical areas, including green aircraft fuel, carbon capture and storage, and long-term energy storage. These research endeavors are expected to yield transformative breakthroughs in sustainable technology.
The Qatar Foundation reaffirmed its commitment to the partnership, stating, "We continue to work alongside Rolls-Royce to develop new, leading climate tech ventures and technology hubs, both in the UK and Qatar."
This groundbreaking investment highlights Qatar's and the UK's dedication to combatting climate change, fostering innovation, and nurturing economic growth in the realm of sustainable technology and research. Project Oryx is poised to be a beacon of hope in the global fight against environmental challenges, creating a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
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